Fake and Great, and by fake I mean, Fantastic.
I loved it, your animation style is just perfect, one of a kind and I woundn't want it any other way.
Great job to everybody that worked on that, Red, you've done it again!
Fake and Great, and by fake I mean, Fantastic.
I loved it, your animation style is just perfect, one of a kind and I woundn't want it any other way.
Great job to everybody that worked on that, Red, you've done it again!
Spazkid being Spazkid
Spazkid animations are always great and this isn't a break in the chain
Great quality, really funny and this style is great.
Meta-Review of the Reviews:
Anything insulting Ponyfags, they vote as useless because they are massive butthurt. I mean, Chris-chan would be shocked about how crazy these people are.
The Staff must be on drugs
If this some sort of joke on the Newgrounds Community,
It's a very stupid one at that.
This flash was terrible, it was a grade 5's attempt at Family Guy humor and that is the lowest form of comedy.
What has happened to Newgrounds...
Sound was the only thing holding it back
I feel like this could be a 9 or a 10 but I can't not be true to myself.
If you get some better sounds, the sky would be the limit
All it needs is a great colour design
Yep, get it a coat of paint and maybe a new soundtrack.
The single greatest animation I have seen so far
I'm dumbstruck,
So fast yet so detailed ,
So action packed but with a fun storyline.
Worth 10/10 anyday
Well Done
Maw-eqse and very liquidate in the motion,
Music matched well, a tad too loud.
Otherwise, great job
The Pure Crazyness
How the water moved (sweat, tea) was awesome and the music jelled very well.
9/10 well deserved
Joined on 12/26/08